Our Library
Dear Reader
Here you will find many of our literatures, process documents, diagrams and articles on many different topics in the investment and funding industry. These documents are for public consumption, and although Integer Wealth Global S.A. retains copyright on all content, feel free to review these at your leisure.
Integer Wealth Global S.A., and it's member companies reserve the right to alter the contents of any of their documents or diagrams without prior notice. Documents and diagrams are often updated to reflect new and relevant information in their document versions, and we invite the reader to revisit these downloads periodically.
Integer Wealth Global S.A and its member companies makes no claim to any accuracy of it's literature of financial services, nor to our disbursement of any financial advice. Kindly confirm with us the accuracy of any content herein, prior any investment strategy, and confirm this with your registered financial services provider and solicitors.
The content of any Integer Wealth Global S.A. document applies to its own corporate process respectively, and makes no representation to any process of any of our service providers, partners or associates.
The Integer Wealth Global team
Explanatory Videos
In our Library we have many diagrams and explanatory narrative documents. Therefore, in the case of some of the more detailed documents and diagrams, we provide an explanatory video to accompany the reader through the details of such documents and diagrams. Please find these below in this section.
The Alternative Investment Fund Establishment Process
One of the most important documents in our Library, is the document diagram ‘3.10’ which explains the establishment approach of an Alternative Investment Fund and the mechanics behind its setup.
We have created an explanatory video for this critical document which should be viewed with the document ‘3.10 IWC - Fund establishment process (A3 Size)’ below.
Kindly open the document and then click on the video to follow the presenter and document points alike. Please see the video below.
The Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) Establishment Process
Another important explanatory video is below, which describes in detail the raising of an SBLC, what is required and what the process entails.
To marry the visual aspect of this process, you should ideally have the document 3.10.1 called ‘3.10.1 IWC - Side Letter Capitalisation Process’ open, available on the ‘Library’ page of our website under ‘Section 3’ below.
The document diagram is ‘Document 3.10.1’. If necessary, pause this video and open the document first and then press play again. Please see the video below.
Document Date Relevancy
Documents in this section may be dated in the past. This means that unless the document has a revised date in it, the document and its content still remains valid, current and applicable.
Any greyed out document links indicate that the document which the link connects to is currently under revision and once completed will be uploaded again shortly.
Section 1 - Integer Wealth Global (IWG)
1.1 IWG - Integer Wealth Global Group Biography
1.2 IWG - Governance Structure
1.6 IWG - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)
1.7 IWG - Non-Compliant Economic Jurisdictions
1.8 IWG - Limited Company vs LLP
1.9 IWG - Corporate Due Diligence Disclosure
1.10 IWG - Corporate Due Diligence Disclosure legal statement
1.11 IWG - Definition of a Credible Project, Feasibility and Viability
1.12 IWG - Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) - Definition
1.13 IWG - Fund Prospectus, Rules and Format Guidelines - UK FCA
1.14 IWG - Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP for UK & EU)
Section 2 - Integer Wealth Professional Services (IWPS)
2.2 IWPS - Pitch Deck Structure
2.3 IWPS - Sample Project Gannt Chart
2.4 IWPS - Series Funding - Points and things you should know when raising seed funding
2.5 IWPS - The Business Risk Management Plan & Impact Analysis
2.6 IWPS - The Information Memorandum Investors Actually Want To Read
2.7 IWPS - The Secret to raising money
2.8 IWPS - Portfolio, Prospectus & Due Diligence Process Flow
2.9 IWPS - The Monte Carlo Analysis explained
2.10 IWPS - Types of Investors, Traders and First Person Investment Questionnaires
2.11 IWPS - Short Selling - What is it and how does it work.?
2.12 IWPS - What Is UCITS
2.13 IWPS - Investment Funds - What are they and how do they work.?
Section 3 - Integer Wealth Capital (IWC)
3.2 IWC - An Overview of Securities
3.4 IWC - Funding Series Definitions
3.5 IWC - Glossary to Fund Terminology
3.6 IWC - Historical Projects and projects in progress
3.7 IWC - Mainstream or non-mainstream corporate finance
3.9 IWC - The difference between Funds and Bonds
3.10 IWC - Fund establishment process (A3 Size)
→ 3.10.1 IWC - Side Letter Capitalisation Process (To be read with above document 3.10)
3.11 IWC - Funding Mechanisms explained
3.12 IWC - Types of Asset Classes
3.13 IWC - Types of Investments
3.14 IWC - A Brief on Marketing Funds in the European Union
3.15 IWC - Rules for Marketing of Local Retail Funds (Integer Wealth operational jurisdictions)
3.16 IWC - Stocks and Shares - A Definition
3.17 IWC - SPAC Purpose acquisition companies and how they work
3.18 IWC - Asset classes - An In-Depth Description
3.19 IWC - Defining PP&E (Property, Plant & Equipment)
3.20 IWC - Due Diligence and Investor Questions for Businesses and Projects
3.21 IWC - Credit Ratings Explained
3.22 IWC - Bank, Bond and Performance Guarantees – An Overview
3.23 IWC - Standard & Poor's Risk Scorecard - International Jurisdictions
3.24 IWC - ISIN Numbering System Explained
3.25 IWC - Share Classes explained
3.26 IWC - Twelve Trailing Months (TTM) Explained
3.27 IWC - Glossary of Funds & Technical Abbreviations
3.28 IWC - Difference Between Bonds and Debentures
3.29 IWC - How a Company's Share Price is Determined
3.30 IWC - Proof of Funds
3.31 IWC - Impact Investing - What is it.?
3.32 IWC - SWIFT - What is it and how does it work.?
3.33 IWC - ISO20022 - What is it and how does it work.?
3.34 IWC - Black Swan Events – What are they and how to manage them.?
Section 4 - Integer Wealth Global (Legal)
4.1 IWG - Legal & Contractual Framework (For all investment and financial vehicles)
4.2 IWG - Financial Stability Board (FSB) Definition
4.3 IWG - BASEL III (The Global Regulatory Framework for Banks) Definition
4.4 Directive 2011/61/EU of the European Parliament and of 'The Council' on AIF Managers
(2003/41/EC and 2009/65/EC and Regulations (EC) No 1060/2009 and (EU) No 1095/2010
Also see article 43 of AIFMD at https://lexparency.org/eu/32011L0061/ART_43/
4.5 IWPS - Adverse Media: How and Where to Check for Negative News.?
4.6 IWPS - The FATF Grey and Blacklists What Are They and How do They Impact Compliance
4.7 IWPS - What is KYC Due Diligence.?
4.8 IWPS - IOLTA Accounts (What are they.?)
Section 5 - Integer Wealth Global (Regulatory)
5.1 An Introduction to MiFID Investment Firms
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For any further information on our products, services, structures or employment opportunities, please feel free to contact us.