Armorum Asset Investment Fund ![](/media/1068/icon-construction.png?width=83&height=83)
Armorum Asset Investment Fund - Open Ended Fund
The ‘Armorum Fund’ is a fixed asset class fund (PP&E) purpose specific for the finance of heavy ‘Property, Plant and Equipment’ equipment in the transport, heavy engineering, earth moving and rigging industries and their peripheral sectors.
The Armorum Fund primary operation will issue deposit capital and/or entire purchases equipment on behalf of either the manufacturer’s clients or qualifying clients directly, then leasing it to the end user/operator client at a mutually favoured interest rate.
This asset class intend to provide client acquisition finance for preferred purchases from manufacturers such as:
- Caterpillar
- Komatsu
- Manitou
- Kobelco
- Bell
- Ale
- Lampson
- Liebherr
The equipment will be registered to the fund’s asset register, creating value in the fund both from interest and from asset ownership until fully paid at which point title will transfer to the end user client.
Further fund details are:
- This fund is non-terminal (has no expiry) and is listed on the Gibraltar Stock Exchange
- This fund is open ended (has no ceiling for investment)
- This fund can invest into any credible project within its asset class up to €600 Million
- First disbursement target is €40 million
This fund is currently being registered and will be listed on the Gibraltar Stock Exchange in Gibraltar, Europe.
The Armorum Fund would provide finance for such clients as also clients who are referred to by the manufacturer, which client’s qualify under the policies, terms and conditions of the fund.
For more information on PP&E and the various aspects of Property, Plant and Equipment assets please find the document 'IWC - Defining PP&E (Property, Plant and Equipment)', in our 'Downloads' section or click here.
This fund is currently being registered and will be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange in Europe.
All other funds besides these are funds which we design and establish for our clients who have multiple credible projects. We remain in control of the investment fund disbursement, subscriptions and redemptions alike, without any cash flowing through us, and that the monitoring and reporting to the fund remains at a level of excellence at all times.
The funds are purpose specific and for the same purpose in such that the client has multiple similar industry sector credible projects. A credible project is a commercial development opportunity which under deep due diligence scrutiny, passes financial and business model stress tests, yet remains robust in its ability to perform positively and yield predetermined minimum returns on investments and/or debt finance.
We are designing and planning for a new fund dealing only in ETF’s and corporate bonds which has been launched in late 2025 too, but more on that later in the new year of 2024.
When investing your capital can be at risk. Please see our disclaimer on our 'Legalities' page here.
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