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Our Investment Funds


Dear Reader

We proudly and collaboratively establish and list investment and alternative investment funds on preferential stock exchanges which cater for the investment of USD, GBP and the Euro, for the bespoke purpose of clients who require repetitive and ongoing investments into multiple projects over varied time frames or who require multiple level funding.

Integer Wealth Global is launching three of its own branded investment funds in 2025 on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange (LuxSE) as also on the Luxembourg Green Exchange (LGX) and on the Dublin EuroNext Exchange, from our European office in Luxembourg.

These are Alternative Investment Funds, which are capital distribution funds for credible projects. Note also that these are AIF not NAIF. Notified AIF means an AIF which has been notified to the competent authority by an AIFM in terms of the investment services act (See List of Notified AIFs) Regulations). The Notified AIF is not licensed, authorised or in any way approved by the jurisdictional regulator.

These funds are not traded on the stock exchange which they are listed on, but are listed for purpose of future regulatory scrutiny, transparent management and ethical capital distribution, which are published regularly with strong trading options in the future.

The three funds are destined to be listed between February and July 2025, and more details of these funds will follow shortly on this page and page sub-links. Two more funds are planned for listing within the fourth quarter in 2025 too.

New 'Corporate Bond' instruments are also available in 2025. More details on this will also follow shortly on this page below.

We remain proud to manage our lucrative both listed and unlisted private equity funds which are dedicated to specific industry sectors with specific risk structures governing and protecting each one. Our private equity funds are purpose specific in their industry sector risk appetite.

We are also proud to announce that we are now also listing alternative investment funds in the Czech Republic, PSE and in Germany, on the Frankfurt Börse and Irish Bourse (Stock Exchange) in Dublin.

Integer Wealth Global are now operational on the following stock exchanges:

More 'industry sector preferred' stock exchanges will be added progressively and listed on this page.


Investment Funds - What are they and how do they work.?

Although Integer Wealth Global provides opportunities to primarily institutional and corporate investors, there are also involved individuals who are not as familiar with the processes of investing. 

For this purpose we have created a brief introduction in a document form on what investment funds are, how they work and what types of investment funds we at IWG work with, as also other financial instruments.

Feel free to access this document..



What is an 'Alternative Investment Fund or AIF'.?

An AIF is an acronym for 'Alternative Investment Fund', a form of managed fund. It is a collective fund that invests in assets outside Bonds, equities, and cash. For the benefit of investors, it collects funds from investors and invests them in different categories of assets. It makes investments into Venture Capital, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Managed Futures and other financial instruments.

Generally, high-net-worth people, institutions and organisations engage with AIF's since they require a large initial investment. 

Key points to consider are:

    • Alternative Investment Funds (AIF’s) are vehicles for diversifying investments by accessing a variety of asset classes.
    • AIF’s allow investors to access unique investment opportunities and compete with larger institutional investors.
    • AIF’s provide increased liquidity compared to traditional investments, as well as greater flexibility in terms of structuring and managing investments.
    • AIF’s can also help investors manage risk by spreading out their investments across different asset types and geographies.
    • By investing in AIF’s, investors can access a wide range of financial products and services that would otherwise be unavailable to them through standard investments.
    • AIF’s can offer investors the potential for higher returns due to the variety of investment opportunities that they provide.


Please watch our investment fund establishment process video below

(Terms & Conditions Apply)



(Please note that there are further highly detailed explanatory videos on our  Library  page which detail the investment fund establishment processes)


Fund Design Approach

All investment funds and funding vehicles which we design, are structured bespoke for the specific purpose of the projects within them, and none are the same as another. IWG establish alternative investment funds and other investment and funding vehicles for our clients who have multiple credible projects which reside within these investment vehicles. We remain involved in the investment fund disbursement authorisations, subscriptions and redemptions alike, as this forms part of the risk management which is our core function, for which Integer Wealth Global is renowned, without any cash flowing through us, and that the monitoring and reporting to the fund remains at a level of excellence at all times for our investors, oversight partners and regulators.

The funds are purpose specific and for the same purpose in such that the client has multiple similar industry sector credible projects. All financial vehicles are based on the three pillars of 'Credibility'*, 'Feasibility'** and 'Viability'***.

These are defined as:

  • * A 'Credible Project' is a commercial development opportunity which under deep due diligence scrutiny, passes financial and business model stress tests, yet remains robust in its ability to perform positively and yield predetermined minimum returns on investments and/or debt finance.
  • **'Feasibility' is the possibility and ability for something to be done profitably.
  • ***'Viability' is that something's ability to survive or endure.

We are designing and planning for a new fund dealing only in ETF’s and corporate bonds which will be launched in late 2023 too, but more on that later in the year.

When investing your capital can be at risk. Please see our disclaimer on our 'Legalities' page available..



Investment Funds

We are proud to have the following investment funds as high valued, low risk investment opportunities which we have created for our clients.

The funds below are behind access restrictions and we would ask you to kindly request access details from our investment desk via email at and the investment Desk will respond accordingly. Kindly note that you will need to identify yourself through a brief onboarding and validation process prior to accessing the information of the investment funds below.

Please note, that many investment funds chose not to have their details displayed publicly and those are not indicated on our website or this page or the in the list below. Kindly refer to the 'Data Disclosure Statement' in the section below.


Integer Wealth Global owned investment fund opportunities. (Please click on the respective name below)

Private Investment Fund with 'on-invite' opportunities owned by the Bandemer Asset Trust.

        A 'Bandemer Asset Trust' - Private Investment Fund



Please watch our 'Unlocking Wealth with AIF's' video below

(Terms & Conditions Apply)



(Please note that there are further detailed explanatory videos on our  Library  page which details the SBLC establishment processes)

Data Disclosure Statement

Please note, that the alternative investment funds which are created for and on behalf of our clients are not public investment funds. The limited information on this page is by permission of our clients, and not all of our clients have their investment funds or their information displayed, and the few which are displayed on this page, are limited in their information.

Integer Wealth Global operates under strict non-disclosure agreements, GDPR Policies and privacy agreements and strictly adheres to the rules therein, and investment fund information is therefore not available for public consumption or comparison to any other investment funds.

As an investor, should you wish to know more about our range of investment opportunities, kindly email us at and visit our ‘Applications’ page on the link on the above right of the website menu. An investment advisor will be in touch shortly after receiving your enquiry.

Should you be a corporate client wishing to obtain more information on our alternative investment fund creation processes, kindly email us at and visit our ‘Applications’ page too, and a consultant will be allocated to your enquiry who will contact you as soon as possible.


The 'Side Letter' SBLC Option

A brief Introduction.

A Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) is a legal document issued by a bank that guarantees payment to a seller if the buyer (the bank’s client) defaults on their agreement. Essentially, it acts as a safety net, ensuring that the seller will receive payment even if the buyer fails to fulfill their obligations.

Key Points are:

  • Guarantee of Payment: The bank commits to paying the seller if the buyer cannot.
  • Facilitates Trade: Often used in international trade to mitigate risks between parties who may not know each other well.
  • Types: There are financial SBLCs, which guarantee payment for goods or services, and performance SBLCs, which guarantee the completion of a project.

Kindly note that this section will soon have its own page on our website. In the meantime please see the video below. (Terms & Conditions Apply)



What are White Labelled Investment Funds.?

White-label funds are generically named funds that have no reference to a fund company. Instead, they. are branded by their asset class or objective. They can be constructed as either a single investment. strategy, or as a portfolio of multiple underlying investment vehicles structured to the fund's objective.


Time Frame Disclaimer

It takes time to establish, register and list an alternative investment fund (AIF) on a stock exchange, and there are multiple external timeframes which influence and apply to the creation of an AIF and any other financial vehicle, which are often outside of IWG control, as these processes cannot be influenced by IWG or our team.

Legal tasks and court proceedings, regulator applications, stock exchange applications for listings, licencing, KYC and KYB, AML and other related processes, project evaluation and investment strategies, investment prospectus, supplementary offering documents, forming and registering SPV's (Special Purpose Vehicles), bank accounts, onboarding processes etc, all of which need to be developed, compiled and then approved together with the client and all other participants at various authorities and regulatory body levels, are all components of the processes which form part of the creation of an alternative investment fund.

These processes take variable amounts of time. It is never good practice for clients to create a specific timeline or commit to any external client or stakeholder, any deadline external of the IWG process and then require IWG to comply or achieve objectives within it.

Therefore consider that the time it takes to finalise an alternative investment fund takes approximately 4 to 7 months to final listing, and therefore not to have unrealistic expectations of the speed of creating an AIF, nor any investment availability thereafter, to match any potential external urgency, as neither IWG nor any regulatory body or jurisdictional authority, service provider, nor investors are prone to any external hasty, desperate or urgent timeframes imposed on the process of establishing an AIF, and the listing time does not include the subscription (investment process) phase and the timeframe referred to above only reflects the client AIF creation and final listing.

To reach drawdown level subscription within an AIF, it is required to reach the first stage of the predetermined investment fund subscription strategy, and may take a separate timeframe which is almost always dependent on the client readiness status. The subscription process begins early in the AIF's establishment stage and is not dependent on whether the AIF is already listed, but rather that it is already registered. The credibility of the projects with the AIF do, as these are what gives the client's AIF investment credibility.

Each AIF which we create is bespoke and some are completed sooner than others and no two investment funds are alike and so cannot be compared in any manner or at any level. Please do not engage or begin this process in haste or with deadlines in mind which we are expected to be adhered to.

We cannot comply with client’s external deadlines, however we do commit to the fastest expedient timeframe possible, as the creation of our client’s investment funds are certainly in all stakeholders economic interests.


Performance Disclaimer

Past performance of any investment is not always a reliable guide to future performance of the same.



Integer Wealth Global - Private Equity Investment Funds


'Sic Parvis Magna'

(Latin - 'Greatness from small beginnings')


Tellus Fund

Agriculture, construction, real estate development.

Nummus Fund

Venture capital, commodities, bonds, shares, derivatives, money markets, import and export, arts.

Innovo Fund

– Information technology, software, renewable energy, aviation, leisure, sport, services industries.

Ferrum Fund

Mining, chemicals, gas, oil, shipping, manufacturing, FMCG.


A development fund dedicated to European and non-conflict investment markets.

A 'Bandemer Family Trust' private investment fund

Contact Us

For any further information on our products, services, structures or employment opportunities, please feel free to contact us.